Core training that’s fun!
Train successfully with our innovative vibrating bars
FlexStretch Pro has received massive recongintion for its innovation in treatement & training.
The FlexStretch Pro has received the AGR Back Seal of Approval, awarded by Gesunder Rücken - besser leben e.V. and the Bundesverband deutscher Rückenschulen (BdR) e.V.
The FlexStretch Pro strengthens deep muscles through its unique vibration technology, which activates reflexive muscle tension, helping improve core strength, endurance, metabolism, and heart rate. It provides an easy way to target deep back muscles, making it valuable for physiotherapists in treating back pain and supporting spinal health.
FlexStretch Pro uses vibrations and the power of inertia to rapidly contract your muscles up to 300 times per minute. stimulate your nervous system. and transform your body FlexStretch Pro will build your body from the center out to develop stability before mobility. providing you with a strong. well balanced and functional body.
these principles are deeply rooted in the development, design ,and delivery of FlexStretch Pro Method of training. No other training device or machine can offer the same core stability exercices. shoulder and pelvic stabilization. or overall vibration training benefits as the FlexStretch Pro. it is our promise to you that using FlexStretch Pro will empower you to succeed with your training goals.
Buy now to see and feel the benefits of training with FlexStretch Pro
Simply feel good and look good!
❌You haven’t exercised a day in your life…
❌Your joints feel like rust in the morning…
❌You have 20+ pounds to lose…
❌You’re busy and have little free time…
❌You believe you’re too far gone ...
❌You don’t have a lot of willpower…
You’ll feel completely different after just a short time
“I've been using FlexStretch Pro for about three months. In this time I've been able to lose over 40 lbs using it and sticking to a low fat diet. Over 6 inches in my waist alone. Now its helping me to tone up. Thanks for the help.” – Neal C.
“I just wanted to thank you for making such a great product. It is the only exercise "program" I have ever stuck with. In less than 10 minutes per day I'm able to maintain healthy muscle tone and have lost 30 pounds during the year. Thanks again!” – R. Webb
“I have been a golf professional for more than 20 years and have spent the better part of my life in reasonable shape. In 2008 I hurt my back and laid in bed for almost 4 months. Herniations in l3,l4, l5, had me laid out and in great pain. I lost 20 pounds and looked like I was going to die. Many things happened to me on my way back to health. Aaron Mattes (active isolated stretching) , Stewart McGill (back fitness Doctor and FlexStretch Pro. These people and their knowledge of the body and how it functions have motivated me in ways a 49 year old wouldn't expect. FlexStretch Pro and my imagination in its use has changed my body in tone and shape and should be in everyone's workout regimen. Propreoceptively speaking, FlexStretch Pro has few rivals and when you use it on unstable surfaces you will be totally challenged. I believe this is the tipping point for this product and expect the blade to be one of the most important training tools in sports training.” – Kregg M
“I have found FlexStretch Pro to be a very versatile and valuable tool for evaluation and treatment of strength, coordination, and proprioception problems throughout the body. It is the most innovative and practical rehabilitative device I have seen in years.” – Elizabeth R.
“I wanted to let you know how valuable we have found FlexStretch Pro to be in the rehabilitation of our patients. We use it with the pre and post-op shoulders, knees and low backs. Its uses are only limited by the Therapist's imagination. My staff and my patients thank you.” –Valerie S
FLEX STRETCH PRO® Awarded the AGR back seal
The AGR seal of quality was created in cooperation with the two leading back school associations in Germany: Forum: Healthy Back - Better Living eV and the Federal Association of German Back Schools (BdR) eV.
The AGR seal of approval is another measure taken by the AGR to combat the "common ailment of back pain". Products that help prevent a lot of back pain are marked with the seal. The exact product name is inserted in the top right, so it is unmistakably associated with this product and cannot be used illegally. This means that the consumer can be sure that this product is back-friendly.
By the way, the AGR seal of quality was awarded the rating "Very good" by ÖKO-TEST.
You have 3 options of where to go from here…
You can keep hoping, wishing and praying things will get better.
You can keep sitting back and let age related weight gain, fatigue, bedroom problems, disease, and a laundry list of other issues happen to you.
And spend the rest of your life on the decline.
You’ll gain more fat around your belly, which increases estrogen levels… and then produces even more fat because of it.
Your testosterone will plummet…
And every passing year you’ll become less of the man you were created to be…
Because men were never designed to have low testosterone levels and a weak body.
Your body will hurt more and you’ll actually feel yourself aging.
Because your joints and bones will slowly deteriorate. And any muscle you have will turn to mush.
With all of this comes a lot of mental and emotional issues, too…
You’ll wonder if your spouse is losing interest in you… because in her eyes you’ve lost interest in her… which is why you’ve given up and are letting yourself go.
You’ll feel embarrassed when your kids compare your belly to the fit dad at their school. And bummed when you can’t keep up with your grandkids in the backyard.
And… I hate thinking about this for you… but I have to ask…
Do you really want others to have to take care of you when you get older?
I mean, I know that some parents have this motto that they take care of their kids when the kids are young, and the kids will take care of you when you’re old…
But is that really what you want?
After decades of providing for them and giving them your all, do you want to inconvenience them just because you’ve decided to not take care of yourself?
Listen, I’m willing to bet you don’t… and this option isn’t for you.
You wouldn’t still be here reading this page if you truly believed giving up and letting age happen to you is the best option.
If you take this option, you realize you’re missing out on the perks that come with having better health. And you know you need to do something about it…
But for some reason you decide FLEX STRETCH PRO isn’t the tool for you.
So you try something else…
But the problem is— most training tools out there are too intense for a guys our age. And they’ll cause you to self-destruct from the inside out. I’m not kidding…
“Young guy” programs increase cortisol and estrogen in our body…… which causes you to store body fat, suffer with painful inflammation, and puts you at risk of tons of health conditions and bedroom issues.
Plus, your testosterone levels plummet…
… and you’ll feel humiliated in the bedroom when you can’t “get it up” when your partner wants to fool around.
But listen, exercising too hard isn’t the only problem if you take this option…
Because you may try to steer clear of training tools and end up doing a workout tool that does little or nothing for you. Sure, it’s activity, which is far better than doing nothing at all…
… but you likely won’t build a body you’re proud of. And you’ll still feel insecure about the way you look. Because…
“Slow-go” exercise won’t reverse the years of built up weight gain and fatigue.
Hey man, if you want to start exercising without FLEX STRETCH PRO, you have my blessing…
But why try a tool that might do your body more harm than good? Or try something you aren’t sure will work?
Especially when I’ve given you the scientific facts about why FLEX STRETCH PRO is the ideal tool for you… which leads me to the third and best option.
Upgrade your physique, increase energy starting now — with FLEXSTRETCH PRO!
Because you’re still reading, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the only option for you…
And you’re in good company. Because this is the choice that thousands of proud men across the country and around the world have made.
Men like you are waking up feeling years younger with more energy than their kids. They’re enjoying a healthy, active life with the strongest body they’ve had since their 20s.
And are getting compliments left and right because of how great they look…
Their kids are beyond proud and can’t stop bragging about how great of shape their dad is in. Their wives love seeing their husbands taking care of themselves…
… and can’t keep their eyes and hands off them.
Imagine how great that feeling will be… when you’re admired by your family and peers… when your wife initiates sex more because of your new body and stamina… when you’re the center of attention at the beach…
You’ll be confident and in-charge again.
You see, when you’re 20 and in shape, people don’t think much of it. Lot’s of 20 year olds are in shape. But when you’re 50+, muscular and lean, you become a phenomenon to people…
You’re no longer the norm, the typical guy with the dad-bod, or the guy people don’t see.
You’re the attention getter, you stand out amongst the rest, and become the person people want to talk to.
You’re the alpha!
Flex stretch Pro can do all this and more for you. And it’s so simple, you likely won’t run into any problem making it happen.
All that’s left is to prove to yourself you can do it…
… you can still look good, perform great and live a fantasy life
I say “fantasy life” because that’s what most guys think having a healthy life, amazing sex, and ripped abs... some “out there” dream.
But it’s not. It’s right at your fingertips.
Just click the “SHOP NOW”
button below right now and I’ll see you on the other side…